All about backyard birds

What do Robins Eat and Robin Food

American Robin is one of the most common birds seen in our backyards, they are most easily seen in spring, summer and autumn, while in winter some migrate south in winter. Many stay north over winter if they can find enough food to  survive. Robins eat insects and worms in nesting season, their young need protein to grow healthy. In cold winter times robins will eat berries and seed that they can find, fruit is also readily eaten.

Favorite robin food:

         -         Worms

         -          Live Mealworms

         -         Insects

         -         Suet Nuts & Berry Blend

         -         Seed

        -         Fruit

        -         Berries

Baby robins will need lots of protein to grow and parents will bring mostly worms or insects to feed them. When the birds are adult they will have a mix diet of insect, seed and berries.


How can you Attract Robins toward your Garden!

1. These Robins are normally spotted foraging in yards for earthworms. Robins also consume many pests which include caterpillars, grasshoppers, termites as well as beetle grubs. Keep a separate moist or grassy region for them then suspend inorganic pesticides. The brush stack or stacks of foliage can attract worms and also other delicacies to make them forage!  Offer mealworms in a Mealworm Feeder to attract robins.

2. More than 60% of these robin's diet during summer, winter and fall season is made up of fresh berries and fruits like bayberry, grapes, pyracantha, elderberry,  hollies or crabapples. Grow any of these favored berry bushes so that they return back! You can offer berries on a platform feeder.

3. Simply put some Water! They get dehydrated by ingesting the worms and little bugs! Robins adore birdbath and therefore are wonderful to watch at because they beverage and bathe, usually displacing large amount of water along the way!

4. Robins generally breed during Apr to Jul. Robins construct the cup nest that female outlines with soil and grass twigs. If it is possible you can make a dirt puddle during mating period. Consider an older trash can top and fill with mud and water. The bird can use the material for nest building.

5. Robins generally build their nests within fork of tree or bush, sometime very near to the ground, and also up to 50 ft. above the ground. Robins will not be timid about nesting in close proximity to man made buildings. They may make most of downspouts, windowsills, lights and build nests above doors. They are going to actually enjoy unique nesting shelves that will provide firm assistance and protection from bad weather.

6. Robins enjoy plumped raisins, grapes, apples, suet and currants given within the suet feeder or platform feeder. Additionally, they love apple pieces offered on fresh Fruit and Jelly Feeder.


What little baby robins Eat ?

We all know that newborn robins consume worms and insects to grow, but, much like people the robin babies need diverse diet plan that will be healthy and help their fast growth. Both robin parents will fetch food for the nestlings together. They will carry it and then it is put directly into babies' mouth. Mom and dad then leave their house or nest again in search of foods. They repeat this process till newborns are very well nourished from dawn to dusk. So along with worms, they will collect other pests making them excellent garden cleaners. Robins feed their infant, small insects such as beetles, crickets as well as grasshoppers which they locate and grab from plants.


Little robin’s diet also includes fruits but in smaller quantities then insects. It is required that they have a well-balanced healthy diet consisting of nuts, insects as well as some fresh fruits.

If you found a baby bird robin read this how to feed a baby bird article

Range and Habitat

Robins can be commonly seen in yards from Atlantic ocean to Pacific ocean. They desire woodland corners as well as widely open terrain on which they forage for meals, and several forest or at best a number of scattered shrubs and trees for roosting and nesting. Landscapes, especially those having open lawns alongside grooves, woodlands and tiny shrubs and trees are perfect. During winter season, berry bushes attract them and nuts offered on bird feeders. If there is regular food provided in winter, many robins will not migrate south and you can enjoy them all year-round.


Robin Nesting Platforms

Robins build their nests on branches of lower parts of trees, but they are known to build their nests in gutters, eaves and even on the ground in some cases. If you want to attract robins to nest in your backyard you can offer nesting platforms.

Robins will often build nests in platforms you install under some shelter, so they are protected from rain, wind and predators. If you decide to place robins nesting platforms make sure you not place them where cats can jump and snatch baby birds. Hawks are also hunting for small birds, and make sure they cannot see the nest or a bird feeder if you place one in your yard. Best paces are under a tree, some roof or other protective place. If a hawk is hanging around your yard it is best to remove the Bird Feeder for a few days, birds will come back once you place it back. Hawks will move on when they see no lunch opportunities. You can be sure song birds will find the feeder again in no time.


I hope you enjoyed this what do robins eat article, and that you learned how to attract robins to your backyard. Have a great birding experience and don’t forget that by giving back to nature you can save a small part of paradise.

Make your backyard bird friendly and safe, and you can be sure birds will eat pests from your garden, vineyard or orchards. This will benefit you as well as them. Birds can be under treat from human development so in this way you can give a little back to nature and your little bird friends.

Happy birding and don’t forget to read other articles below!

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